Do you have any relatives that were apart of the Historic Concord church's congregation? Here are some of the members, categorized by the decade that they joined the church in. If you have realtives that have been listed here, we would love to hear from you! If you see a last name but aren't sure if it's your family, contact us because we have all the first names available as well!
Any stories, pictures, side notes... send them all our way!
1804-Charter Members
Anthony Cochran
Compton Hunter
Jones Lovett
McConico Morton
Norton Orton
Pearce Rankin
White Winstead
Wisener Whitsett
Alford Allly Ashley
Balden Baldrich Baldridge
Barnes Barns Beasly
Bell Berge Blackman
Briant Brooks Brown
Buchanan Burch Burge
Burgess Burk Bush
Butt Christman Condon
Cowan Crocker Davis
Dugger Dunn Dyer
Dyes Edmonson Ellis
Ezell Farrow Fisher
Fly Fowler Glimph
Golman Green Grooms
Guy Haley Halfacre
Hamleton Hamlett Hampton
Harrison Hartman Hewlet
Husden Jenkins Jerdon
Johnson Johnston Jordon
Jordan Legget Leonard
McMurray McMahan Manley
Marlin Mason Medley
Mitchell Montgumry Moor
Moppin Morton Mosley
Murry Nance Nancy
Owen Owin Paskett
Paul Peel Pey
Phillips Pollock Powell
Ridley Robartson Roller
Russel Russle Saunders
Scales Scott Sires Stancil
Stanfield Still Todd
Tombs Tucker Vaughn
Waldren Walter Wassen
Whaley Whitley Whitsett
Wilkins Williams Wisner
Alstone Ballieu Belou
Burge Campbell Charmicael
Cochran Cresy Elkins
Elliot Farrar Fields
Groomer Hamilton Hardeman
Heart Henderson January
McCowan Marbry Matilda
Moore Moseley Mullen
Noe Norman Oliver
Owen Page Rankin
Rives Sanford Vernon
Wright Yates Zachary
Anderson Ashley Baney
Barnes Bean Bess
Briley Burnett Butt
Canendy Caroline Castleman
Chambers Collier Dorsey
Edminson Fields Foster
Ford Goodrich Guthrie
Ham Hamer Hamlet
Harper Housden Housman
Howell Howsan Huze
Isaac Jackson James
Johnson Kidd Kimbro
Lane Lavender McAntless
McCantless Madlin Maxwell
McMahon Metz Milley
Modlin Murray Packson
Patterson Primm Rash
Sanders Seals Sealy
Slinkard Sloane Smith
Stewart Taylor Thompson
Towers Waller Warren
Arnell Baker Barnes
Barnett Bennett Bess
Bird Briley Burk
Burnett Carmichael Cason
Clay Coleman Colyer
Corbit Cothran Culbertson
Cunningham Drake Fitzhugh
Gardner Gevdrick Gilbert
Goodrick Goodrum Gray
Green Greer Griggs
Guy Haman Hamm
Hammer Hartman Heartman
Hill Honeycutt Hughes
Jinnett Kellow King
Little Luton McArthur
McCanless McMahan Medlin
Merit Meriweather Nolen
Panden Parish Pomroy
Powers Ragan Ray
Richards Russell Seale
Simpson Sloan Stamer
Suggs Terommas Thompson
Turbeville Vinson Walters
Ware Warnds Warters
West Whitamore Whittemore
Winstead Woods
Byrd Garrett
Goodrich Hill
Kimbrough Lee
Logan Thomas
Waters Watson
Mid-Late 1900's
Aanes Andrews Arnold
Baker Boulton Boyd
Burks Cartwright Cecil
Clem Clemons Cook
Cooper Fly Goodwin
Hamlett Hoskins Johnson
Jones King Kish
O'Brien McConnell Oden
Park Parker Puckett
Rader Rash Ray
Ross Sewell Shannon
Smith Stephens Sullivan
Tucker Waller Wilson